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Rohkost: Rezepte und Ernährung

What is the problem with cooked foods?

What is the problem with cooked foods?

Without trying to sound too alarmist, cooked food molecules can lead to fermentation in the digestive tract because they lack enzymes for optimal digestion. Fermentation in turn causes acids to be released. These acids can attack joints, raise blood pressure, irritate mucous membranes, burn holes in the nervous system, heat up emotions and even cause insomnia and depression.


Morning Glory - Mountain Ant - Wildplant Smoothie

Morning Glory - Mountain Ant - Wildplant Smoothie

It is possible that nothing else even comes close to this nutrient-dense, wildplant, superfood smoothie. It is based on the leaves of an edible, flowering, wild plant and even includes ants, a prized Chinese tonic superfood - medicine.


Wildcrafted Enzyme Crackers

Wildcrafted Enzyme Crackers

These nutrient-rich crackers are made from freshly-picked wild plants and soaked flax seeds. They are incredibly healthy, tasty and filling. Even children love them! They pack an incredible array of nutrients and are far superior to energy bars or sport drinks.


Optimal Health with Wild Green Smoothies

Optimal Health with Wild Green Smoothies

Experience the Benefits of Dr. Switzer's Wild Plant Energy Smoothies!

As a gardener, Dr. Switzer was always fighting a losing battle against the weeds. He sais he couldn't keep up with their prolific growth. They just kept bouncing back, almost out of nowhere. What sort of invincible power was lurking behind these wild plants? Could this same power be harnessed to heal our body and mind?


Optimizing the Gerson Therapy with the Wild Plant Primal Diet

Optimizing the Gerson Therapy with the Wild Plant Primal Diet

Api-Bee-Therapy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda Detox

A New Approach for Treating Chronic Degenerative Heart/Circulatory-, Neurological-, Autoimmune-, Inflammatory- and Cancer Diseases

Can food be used as medicine? This statement was made by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, over 2300 years ago. An optimal diet, containing wild plants, sprouted foods, fermentation juices, bio-photons, bee products and Asian mushrooms together with Ayurvedic detox protocols and the Gerson therapy could offer treatment options to people with degenerative diseases such as cancer.


Wild Dandelion Sushi

Wild Dandelion Sushi

Here is the most remarkable sushi recipe that I have ever tasted, better than the real thing!

It is the best raw food recipe I have ever created! My wife and I eat it almost every day.


The Ultimate Wild Plant Detoxification Protocol and Weight Loss

The Ultimate Wild Plant Detoxification Protocol and Weight Loss

Achieve Significant Weight Loss through Optimal Detoxification

  1. First, detox your body with a nutrient-rich Wildplant-Superfood-Micromineral Detox Combo
  2. Then you could watch your fat melt away as your metabolism and immune system come alive!


The Sting Nettle Smoothie Miracle

The Sting Nettle Smoothie Miracle

Discover the Ultimate Health Tonic: A freshly-picked, Wildcrafted Sting-Nettle - Biophoton - Smoothie!

Now Available from Microminerals USA

This smoohie is made out of freshly-picked, wild sting-nettles (urtica urens), organic fruit and micromineral primal essence, containing approximately 80 organic trace elements.


The Wild Green Bio-Photon smoothie, Basic Recipe

Two cups of chopped up wild green leaves such as nettles, dandelions, horsetails, or wild spinach are placed in a mixer with two cups of water and blended at high speed.


An 80% Raw Food Diet is a More Realistic Goal

An 80% Raw Food Diet is a More Realistic Goal

There are all kinds of raw food teachers exclaiming the benefits of a 100% raw, vegan diet. Most of them, however, cheat. It is fortunate that they cheat, or some of them might have ended up with health problems. Why? Because most raw food diets emphasize too much (hybrid) fruit, dates, nuts, and nutrient-deficient veggies. This is eventually going to get you into big nutritional trouble! Hardly anyone mentions the importance of eating wild green foods. The only way to make a raw food diet work is to include substantial amounts of wild plants and small amounts of fermented raw milk kefir! That way, the diet becomes more balanced and the body receives important nutrients that otherwise would be missing.


Jesus and John the Baptist were Prominent Essenes

Jesus and John the Baptist were Prominent Essenes

The Essenes were a group of Jewish ascetics who lived on the western bank of the Dead Sea over 2000 years ago. Their main goal was spiritual development. Because they couldn't identify with mainstream society they dropped out to live in the wilderness. They didn't want anything to do with money, commerce or status. Their motives were similar to the yogis in India who set off for the Himalayas to seek enlightenment.


Cooked Food Has a Dampening Affect on the Mind

Cooked Food Has a Dampening Affect on the Mind

If this sounds a bit "far out" for "cooked" food people to stomach, but many people experience that on days where they practice 100% raw food, high-energy eating, including a green smoothie and the organic microminerals, they feel a deeper sense of inner peace and joy than on days where they eat cooked food. Many also experience more empathy. Overall they feel a lot less self-centered and egoistic. The meditation is deeper, the body is more limber and there is often the experience of a greater desire to exercise, play music. Many people can see the lighter side of life more easily and dwell less on problems, they start to see solutions instead of problems.


Bio-Photons & Ancient Wisdom

Bio-Photons & Ancient Wisdom

According to Ayurveda, man is in essence a "light being" dwelling inside a solid, dense body. All of our cells radiate light in the form of photons, a form of energy termed "Prana" by the wise men of the East. Kirlian photography and bio-photon emission analysis performed by Professor Popp and other research institutions have confirmed that every living cell, irregardless of whether it comes from a plant, animal or man, gives off light energy in the form of bio-photons.


Cyclical Eating is a Feast or Famine Style of Eating

Cyclical Eating is a Feast or Famine Style of Eating

You could call Cyclical Eating a style of eating that closely mimics the way our ancestors probably lived, and the way our body is programmed. Food had to be hunted and gathered. There were times where food was not readily available. Then the body's digestive organs could take a needed rest.


Vegans Will Profit from Small Amounts of Animal Protein

Vegans Will Profit from Small Amounts of Animal Protein

Our digestive tract is not designed to eat a meat-centered diet. Our molars are designed for grinding seeds. We don't have the sharp teeth of a carnivore. And we don't produce nearly the amount of hydrochloric acid that a carnivorous animal like a dog or a lion produces. Grind up a fast food meal of a cheeseburger and French fries and let it stand at room temperature for twenty-four hours, and it begins to ferment. This is basically what happens in our digestive tract when we can't break down animal protein.


Hybrid and GMO Plants are Genetically Inferior to Wildcrafted Plants

Hybrid and GMO Plants are Genetically Inferior to Wildcrafted Plants

Many of our veggies, grains and fruits, including those grown in organic agriculture, come from hybrid seeds. Hybrids are specially selected so that the plants grow up fast and produce big fruits. Unfortunately, man's constant tampering with these food plants has weakened their genetic structure. When gardening we can see how weeds such as dandelions, nettles and lambs quarters would take over and crowd out most of our tenderly cultivated veggies. They didn't have a chance against the weeds. The wild plants always seemed to win. If you can't beat them you might as well eat them!


Experiencing Bliss by Calorie Restriction and Bio-Photons

Experiencing Bliss by Calorie Restriction and Bio-Photons

Everyone is looking for bliss and happiness. The good news is that you don't have to work hard for it. You can take the shortcut to experiencing inner bliss and joy and save yourself a lot of trouble and heartache in the process. How? By practicing calorie restriction (cyclical eating) combined with massive infusions of bio-photon energy (wild green smoothies). If you are already on a spiritual path, practice yoga or meditation, it will be a godsend.


Wake up your Energy Channels

Wake up your Energy Channels

Regular infusions of bio-photons will start to open up dormant energy channels (nadis) within the body and nervous system. According to ayurveda, the ancient science of life, there are approximately 72,000 nadis in the body. In most people these energy channels lie dormant. However, when the bio-photons begin to flow, these channels will start to circulate these high energy particles.


Bio-Photon Nutrition and Wild Green Energy Smoothies for Optimal Health

Bio-Photon Nutrition and Wild Green Energy Smoothies for Optimal Health

Combining bio-photons and cyclical eating are wonderful ways to purify the body and stimulate the production of neuro-transmitters in your brain. This will improve your overall health and help you to experience more inner happiness and joy. The production of hormones by the endocrine system will be enhanced, making your body feel younger and more energetic.


Bio-Photon Nutrition and Wild Green Energy Smoothies for Optimal Health

Ground-breaking research carried out by Professor Popp, a German physicist, has demonstrated that the bio-electric energy of our cells is dependent on how many bio-photons our bodies are able to absorb from plants. Every living cell emits units of light called bio-photons. Strong, healthy cells emit more light than weaker cells. Vegetables picked off the shelf at a grocery store usually emit few bio-photons because of loss during transportation and storage. Chemical or heat treatment used to ripen or preserve vegetables further reduces the amount of bio-photons available. Radiation treatment carried out with gamma rays in order to increase the shelf life of food leads to total destruction of bio-photons.


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